Prayer Request

Using ESL as a bridge to relationships and gospel sharing has its difficulties, but it also has it’s triumphs!  Pray for ESL teachers to be able to come to Greece to teach refugees much needed language skills and for students to come to class with open hearts to the gospel.  

While Covid19 is changing everything in the world, the King family, working with refugees in Athens, Greece have found that God is working in surprising and miraculous ways as their ministry adjusts and morphs to fit within government regulations.  Smaller classes mean more meaningful conversations, building limitations mean more gospel sharing in the community, less scheduled meetings means more creative thinking and meeting the needs of refugees.  

Pray for the King and their team as they seek to continually adjust their work to serve Persian refugees in Athens.
Refugees face many hardships and challenges on their journey, and sometimes these leave scars on their hearts that seem insurmountable.

 Pray for the King family serving Persian refugees in Greece as they seek to provide mental health education and coping skills for those suffering the effects of their traumatic experiences, while also pointing them toward Christ, within whom true peace can be found.